We specialize in providing a comprehensive range of courses focused on disaster and crisis resilience.

Given the many challenges we face, we want you to become more knowledgeable, connected with others, confident and at peace, and we're committed to providing the tools and training to make this happen.

Here are the topics we can help you with.

Team building and community connections

Discover how to build strong, resilient teams or communities from the ground up with our courses. Learn about organizing community events, overcoming passivity, spontaneous volunteering, and networking for resilience. Or learn how to establish a Community First Responders network.

Leadership skills

Lead your team or your community through crises with efficiency and care. Learn effective communication, the importance of diversity and inclusion, distributed leadership and the balance between planning and emotional intelligence. Our courses equip you with the skills to anticipate and adapt in times of disasters and crises, helping you guide and work with your team and community towards resilience.

Soft skills

Our Soft Skills courses focus on the personal attributes needed for community resilience. Master the art of self-care, stress handling, conflict resolution, active hope, deep listening, and emotional resilience. Equip yourself with the emotional intelligence needed to navigate challenging times with grace and strength.

Practical skills

Take your disaster preparedness to the next level with our hands-on practical skills courses. You'll gain expertise in disaster risk management, emergency planning, response and recovery, emergency communications, and securing essentials such as food, water, and energy. Learn about business continuity and how to prepare households, communities and organisations for a wide array of risks including, but not limited to, bushfires, floods, heatwaves, droughts, storms, criminality and social unrest.

Practice, practice, practice

We firmly believe in "learning by doing." Our practice sessions include table-top and real-life disaster scenarios, role-plays, and interactive Q&A and quizzes. These immersive experiences ensure you can apply your new knowledge in real-life situations.

Training packages

Safer Future offers a range of training packages, including:

  • 2-hour introduction to disaster resilience.

  • 4-hour course on designing a business continuity plan.

  • 1-day courses with different focuses, such as designing a disaster plan for your organisation; psychological first aid; disaster resilience, preparedness and response; food security; water security; energy security, emergency communications; leadership in times of crisis; deep listening; healing from trauma, etc.

  • 1-day course to help participants move from a place of environmental and climate change trauma, anxiety and despair, to a place of acceptance, presence and serenity.

  • 3-day comprehensive course to become a Community First Responder.

Tailor a training package to suit your needs.

Empower yourself to create resilient, prepared, teams and communities. Contact us today to enroll or learn more about our programs.

At Safer Future, our courses transform apprehension into informed confidence, fostering a connected, grounded approach to disaster preparedness, ensuring you're not only well-equipped but also deeply at peace amidst challenges.


“… Just a quick note to say thank you so much for holding such a powerful, pragmatic, insightful and healing space for those who came… I have to say I am quite moved by the skillful way you combine your lived experience of disaster response across countries, years and settings, bringing an understanding of the very real needs and threats to safety, rescue, communications, food, water and energy security, while holding the deeper work of meeting the grief and overwhelm we face with scale of the environmental catastrophe we are living with.

I have worked with despair and empowerment practices, and I found the simple and clear way you introduced this work really allowed people to go quite deeply, quite quickly without it being a huge and exhausting process. I found it really democratic and accessible.

I was happily surprised and impressed with how you gently yet firmly redirected the patterns of trauma some people were carrying, and the replaying of details of events, to self enquiry and radical acceptance, without making it a spiritual practice - simply people’s direct experience.

You give the men in the room, particularly, a way through, and I really want to thank you for being that person for them. Someone who knows, someone who sees and honours the reality of being a first responder, and someone who can say, it’s time to accept and allow yourself some rest and peace." - Jo, Blue Mountains